Image application for phones and mobile devices of one of the most beautiful countries inthe world.Mexico is a federal constitutional republic located in North America. The country is borderedto the north by the United States; to the south and west by the Pacific Ocean; to thesoutheast by Guatemala, Belize and the Caribbean Sea; east by the Gulf of Mexico. With aterritory covering almost 2 million square kilometers, Mexico is the fifth largest country in theAmericas by total area and the 14th largest independent country in the world. With anestimated population of 126 million inhabitants in 2020, it is the 11th most populous countryin the world and the most populous Spanish-speaking country. Mexico is a federation madeup of 31 states and Mexico City (capital). Mexico is also the second most populous countryand second in terms of GDP in Latin America, in both cases surpassed only by Brazil.